Today is 11.11.11. And we are celebrating Veteran's Day. In honor of all the wonderful men & women who have served our country, R We There Yet Mom is asking for us to post a picture or story about our favorite Veteran. I actually am blessed to have many who served in our country in my immediate family. Both grandfathers, Matt's grandfather and father, and Matt and his brother all served.
My grandfather, who just turned 90, spent his entire career in the Air Force. He was a communications officer who served in both WWII and the Korean War. I love to hear his stories - the clarity of the memories is amazing. From the smell of the kerosene lanterns they used in the tents in a field in Italy in WWII to the entire outfit (down to her shoes!) my grandmother was wearing when he returned home...his stories are fascinating.
I recently read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, which is a story of a WWII survivor. Hearing everything he went through during the war (and afterwards) gave me such an appreciation for what life was like back then. And made me incredibly proud of my grandfather and his resilience in serving our country. I am so blessed to still have him in my life.
Do you have a Veteran in your life whom you are proud of? Please tell us about them - these stories need to be written and saved for our children to realize the importance of our Veterans.
So we are rivals.....
My family all served in the Army!
What a great thing your Grandpa has done for our country!
I'd love to have a family member like your grandfather, just to hear about the challenges of being a communication officer during wartime. I'm sure it wasn't exactly "I'll text you the co-ordinates". Must have been so much work.
Thank you to all your family members for what they have done for their country.
Has anyyone reorded him telling his stories?? Someone definitely should. And thank you to your grandpa for so selflessly serving.
I'm with Emmy! The stories need to be recorded. At least written down! :) Thank you to your granddad!
I agree with Emmy! Those stories are priceless! To preserve them in that way would be phenomenal! BTW,I think you have your grandma's eyes...
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