Monday, September 5, 2011

I Sent My Baby to School

Last week, I sent my baby to school.

Well, not really.

It's a 2 day a week Mother's Day Out.

That he likes to call "sk-ool".

So we go with it.

Remember how excited I was to send the other 2 off to school?  How I was questioning my motherly instincts when I was cheering that school had started?  Well,  I'm here to admit that I had a hard time with the baby.

It was hard to drop the baby off and leave him - I walked away with a HUGE lump in my throat.  And hearing him crying for "ma-MA!!" didn't help.  I got in the car and thought to myself, "now what do I do? "

So I ran to Academy, calling Matt and asking him if he needed me to get him anything? No?

hmm.... I guess I can go to the bank.

and then I'll run by Starbucks.  Just because I CAN.

Guess I'll head to the kids school and..... (you get the picture).

While I got a lot done, I felt like I was missing something all day.  As much as I complain that running errands with the baby is hard to do and takes me twice as long, I was lonely without my guy with me.
I showed up 20 minutes early to pick him up - that is HUGE - ask any of my friends - I'm L.A.T.E. to everything.  Of course they wouldn't let us pick up our kids until the bell officially rings.  He was excited to see me - ran right into my arms.

All is well - he had a super time - colored a picture.  ate a big lunch.  played on the playground. DID NOT take a nap (well, come on - he's still in a crib and now you want him to lay on a mat and sleep - that's freedom to him).

So why was it so easy to let the older two go but so very hard to leave him?  I guess I understand it now - he's my baby and it's hard to let him grow up - I know that this is only going to get worse when he starts kindergarten, so this is a great reminder to make the most of the time I have with him one-on-one.  And I will.......


Connie said...

Oh man! He looks so cute! And grown up.

It's hard letting go of the baby....

Ricki Treleaven said...

That is the cutest first day of school outfit *ever*

AndreaLeigh said...

omgosh, he is so big! i can't believe how much he looks like a little boy!

i know that was hard for you. cooper starts back to daycare next week and I know I'll have a hard time. Even though I've done it before, I still don't want to give up this precious time I've had at home with him.

Kelli said...

That lunch bag is as big as him!!!! He looks so handsome :)

Emmy said...

He is so cute! I think I am going to be the same way with my baby...just different as every stage they hit is kind of an end.

Macey said...

I seriously dislike this post.
Why do they have to not only grow up, but do it so darn fast?!

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