I have really loved taking a quick minute to reflect back on some of the things that made me smile this past month. I really am blessed, as every month I have a hard time narrowing it down to only 10 things. But I did and with the help of Instagram, my really fun iPhone app that makes me smile, here they are:
My new Erin Condren iPhone cover - makes me smile every time I pick up my phone!
My girlie saving up enough money to buy her very own iPad makes e smile every time I see her using it.
I was completely spoiled for my birthday this year with gifts mailed to me all December. And then a few trickled in in January and it totally made me smile!!!
Bubba got a trophy for Best Craftsmanship at his annual Pinewood Derby! Smile!!
This little guy started potty training last week. No potty training doesn't make me smile, but the fact that he gets it and is so excited to get a "mnnnnm" does!
Last weekend, we geocached with my parents - and at one point, we were using an iPhone, an iPad, and a Garmin to find our way. Smile!
Sis went to a birthday party at an exotic animals shop. This adorable hedgehog made me smile. The 8 foot pregnant boa constrictor did not.
It's been a sunny-filled month with afternoons to make me smile!
I recieved this sweet angel in the middle of the month from my hubby's sweet cousin. I had spoken for her at Matt's Grandmother's Funeral and she sent me this as a reminder that we have an angel up in heaven looking down on us. smile.
Lastly, when the Christmas came down, the Love came out. And my candy jars are full of Valentine's Candy....that I have eaten. I'm NOT smiling about the jar full of candy hearts I have eaten these past 2 weeks, but I am smiling that I pulled this particular one out. See? Even with the 1200 calories of candy hearts, I'm still hot!
Happy January!! One more thing that makes me smile? Linking this post with THREE fun friends for their memes. That means hopefully you are visiting from there, will leave me a comment, and come back again soon!!

What a great idea for a birthday party!
You had a great month!
I think we need to see what geocaching opportunities there are near us. That looks like fun.
I can't stay out of the valentine candy either...lol.
This is a great way to count your blessings!
Thank you thank you for linking up. I love instragram! Something about square pictures is just so fun. And that iPhone cover rocks!! How totally awesome.
My son is going to turn 8 this year and will be starting cub scouts- so yes we have many pinewood derbies ahead of us.
And of course I 110% approve and like all of the idevices :)
Great list! Boa constricters...ew.
snakes are only good for belts and shoes!!!
You've had an AWESOMe month!! I srsly love that iPhone cover! SO cute!
I gave you those prezzies...a WHOLE month late. I just wanted your birthday to last a whole month. That's why I waited. It was planned.
That little hedgehog is adorable!! If they stayed that small, I'd have one and take it everywhere with me.
Ok, so I need the web address or the etsy store to get my very own iphone case cover! That is adorable!
I know who that gift is from! JK! I know her well enough to recognize the card choice and WRAPPING. Am I right?
Potty training can SUCK IT. Peeing is ok. Poo'ing is a work in progress. Yuck.
Love that angel. I have a few of those too.
YOU ARE HOT, MOMMA!!! Running tons of miles every morning, you can afford to down some candy hearts!
Thanks for linking up! Me love you long time. xoxo
I must have a phone cover like that! Seriously Shawn!
I have a candy bar in the kitchen..it's quickly turned into a lets see how big we can make Shawn's ass bar!
God bless you and all of my potty training friends out there, I'm so glad it's not me!
Thanks for linking up, twice, you know we love you like a fat kid loves cake!
Love that phone cover! and I love getting goodies in the mail, makes my day!
Sounds like you had many blessings in January. I hope February is just as good to you!
Late gifts are the best- makes your birthday last just that little bit longer! And we've just got the valentine sweets out here too... how I'm supposed to shift pregnancy weight is beyond me! Take care xxx
I love this review. So many things to reflect on and smile about...awesome!
I am so dang impressed that Sissy saved up enough for am iPad. Amazing. I do not miss potty training! Good luck! xoxo
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