Determined, she sat down and wrote down every way she could earn enough money to buy her own iPad. She thought of everything from starting her own Dog walking business to selling all her old DSi games. And she did - she asked our neighbors to walk their dogs and they let her....and paid her. She sold all her old games to Game Stop. Sold all her American Girl Doll furniture on our local Yahoo group. She started watching the baby for me (I was still home). And she asked everyone to give her $$ for Christmas.
He Daddy & I tried for weeks to talk her into buying a Kindle Fire. It does everything she wanted. But NOOOOOOOOO - it's not an "Apple" product. Man, she listened well when I was convincing Matt to let me buy a PowerBook last summer.
And we had a slight hiccup when "Santa" told her that he would get one. She recovered well once she saw that didn't happen.
Finally, thanks to the generosity of our neighbors and relatives, Miss Sis had enough money to buy her beloved iPad. Last Tuesday, we took a little trip to the Apple Store.
She walked right in, confident as can be (where does she get that from?), and told the first Apple Kid she saw that she would like to buy a "white 16 gig iPad please."
Miguel worked with her for over half a hour setting her up. He showed her cool apps to download and short cuts to run certain programs.
Even Bubba was pretty patient with the whole experience. It was as if he knew this was going to be something fun to play with....
Is it glued to her side at all times? Yes - though it is downstairs at us at night (we aren't that stupid). She has face-timed with Grandma, texted all her friends, watched Once Upon a Time (cute show) on ABC, read a book, emailed me a few silly jokes, and played Pet Hotel. On Saturday I received no less than 20 texts from her while I was out shopping.
Do I think that is a wise investment for her to have made???
Absolutely. The joy on her face and the confidence in her heart that she can tackle any goal she sets her mind to is absolutely worth every penny.
Joining up for TTUT with Shawn & Impulsive. Go link up and talk about anything you want!!

This is absolutely precious. I already knew about this happening but reading all the other details and seeing her smiling face in all those pictures just made me HAPPY!
She is so pretty, Becca. She rocked that braid with the hat too!
Thanks for linking up with us! We love your face!
What a valuable lesson you have taught her. I'm learning the hard way that handing your kids everything they ask for because "I want to give them everything I never had" is a big mistake. Earning and buying something you want on your own is a huge life lesson and such a right of passage!
Thanks for linking up with us, we love you long time!
I love that she earned that iPad!
I totally think she's going to be the President someday! Smart kiddo!
Yeah an Apple Ipod was the ONLY thing on my dear 13 year olds wishlist for Christmas this year. I tried to talk her out of it but she was very persistant. I told her we had a laptop & it was just another laptop. Needless to say, she won & I bought it. I gotta admit, now I want one lol, those things are pretty cool :)
That's a pretty smart move for a kid. I wonder how industrious my kids will be; I'm hoping they will learn the value of a dollar like she did.
I'm thinking this just might be the approach we take with Turbo if he starts making noises about a Nintendo DS of his very own. You value it more if you have to earn it.
That is SO awesome. And it looks like she's just so proud of it, which is great because she understands the whole saving money for something you want and taking care of it thing. :)
Still not even sure what an Ipad is. But good for her!
That is so great for her! I think it's great that she earned the money herself, what a great lesson to learn about being responsible with your own finances! She's so cute btw! :)
She worked hard for it, so no shame at all- in fact a great lesson. I bet she takes great care of it too as she worked hard.
What a smart and resourceful girl! You've raised her well. :)
Skylanders Craze Part 2, Wishing for Snow and Advanced Potty Training: RTT Rebel
I love that she worked for it! And she looks so blissfully happy!
That's awesome.
So happy when I hear about kids who are learning that hard work and determination really are where it's at!
What good parents she must have!
Impressive! I could take a few hints from her :) Although I would have gone with the Kindle Fire, but kids want what they want. Will she be surpassing you in tech-savvy-ness soon?
Darn right, GOOD FOR HER!!!
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