This year, they topped themselves. I am seriously in love with these kids and they way they go about "asking" for presents:
"If you are asking what I want for Christmas, here it is!" or "Thank you for your time & consideration".
Ever the polite girl.....
Not this one:
So he asks me, can you please can this letter in and email it to Santa? I want to keep the original here for him to sign? Um, sure buddy......
So, an iPad AND a Go-Cart? When did my 10 & 9 year old jump to the "expensive gifts"??? Wasn't it just yesterday they were asking for Littlest Pet Shops and Thomas the Train Sets????
We have had several conversations about why Santa might not bring these items.....Santa has a budget, Santa & Mom have to agree on presents, Santa might not be able to get his hands on an iPad...... I don't want them getting their hopes up when Santa might not be able to deliver.....
Sis, ever the clever one, had a conversation with me about this on Saturday..... Mom, why can't Santa just make me an iPad? Like, go out into his woods and get all the material he needs??
Yeah Apple, why can't Santa make her an iPad????
Yes, she is in 5th grade, yes, she should know by now, and yes, this mom still loves that she believes (she has 2 younger brothers y'all - if she asks, I'll tell her!!). So there. How do I explain this one? Cause believe me, Santa has a budget in this family of 3 children!
Linking up with my girls, Shawn & Impulsive for Talk To Us Tuesday.....give me your advice Mommas!!

Sooooo cute! Love these!
And I thought the request from my daughter was bad.
A pink robot that poops out cookies, does her laundry and cleans her room. She is STILL insisting!
I wish Santa would make ME an ipad! In the meantime, he'd better get to work making my son's request: a gun with real bullets. Yeah, SO not going to happen, buddy.
I wish Santa could make and Xbox, which is what Turbo asked for this year. Awfully hard to explain to an 8 year old that Santa has to buy those kind of things too.
Great letters...they really put some thought into them. Our Santa is on a budget this year too :)
I love the letters to Santa! Last year my son asked me why Santa use's our wrapping paper to wrap his gifts. I told him Santa didn't have time to wrap them so he asked me to.
What a cute idea, Becca! Emma needs an avent calendar. Of course my HELL of a town apparently doesn't have them. Why would Hellmart not sell them? I guess I'll have to buy one online for next year.
I love that your baby girl still believes but I'm surprised too. Usually some little brat in 3rd grade ruins it for all the believers. It used to make me so mad.
Those letters are keepsakes. I'm sure you keep them but I wish my mom would have kept some.
Thanks for linking up!! You're the best!
These are sooo cute! But I have to ask, what is your daughter going to do with an ipad case and no ipad? Maybe she already has one and just wants a new one. I also love how we have the circle option and the request for signature!
That cracks me up!! I love it!! My kids always are super polite to that fat bastard too.
Haha!!! This is great!!! I love their letters!!! I especially love that your daughter is okay with just having the case if he can't bring her the ipad. ;o) What's she going to do with just the case?!? Ha!
Last year my daughter learned about Santa. I thought it was going to make Christmas less magical, but even though she knows Santa is her parents, she still wants to leave out cookies and get her stocking filled. That makes me happy. :o)
LOVE reading kids' Santa letters. Yours are priceless!!
I asked my 6-year-old nephew on Sunday if he'd written Santa a letter yet, and he said no. When I pressed him on the issue, he finally said, "Look, last year Santa didn't even pay attention to my letter, he got me other stuff, so I don't care! Whatever he gets is good!" LOL
And I believed til I was 12...well, I guess I sorta knew, but it wasn't until I was 12 that I addressed it with the 'rents. Worst Christmas ever. I've always maintained it's more fun when you believe, and I don't know why kids are in such a rush to grow up out of that. :)
It's not nearly as much fun when they stop believing. Even after my stepdaughter knew, she still wanted me to wait to put presents under the tree until after she went to bed!
Those letters are so cute!
So what will she do with an iPad cover and no iPad? :)
And yes, wouldn't it be nice if Santa could just build it. Love that she still believes makes it so much more fun
My daddy bought us go karts for Christmas and it was the best times we had with them.
Love the letters!
The letters are adorable. It's so hard when we can't give our kids everything they want. Over the years I always asked my kids to please give me a list with many items on it as only some items would be delivered.
That is such a scream. We have had the same talk, Trey also wants a go kart. This reminds me I better get the kids writing their notes or we will be up all night Christmas eve. Blessings.
Yah - Evie wants an iPad AND a nook. And an outdoor skating rink (of course the cheap one she saw in the catalog is total crap, decent ones cost HUNDREDS!!!) Yah. Brody's letter made me LOL, it's something William would write & make me sign :)
Those letters are way too precious, I just love your kiddos!
Thankfully my girls finally know that I am Santa. I thought I would be sad but let me tell you how wonderfully going to sleep at a decent time on Christmas Eve is!
We made a changed about 4 years ago, the girls were allowed to ask Santa for 3 gifts, representing the 3 gifts that were presented to Baby Jesus. They were fine with that and actually put more thought into what they were asking for. Santa left 3 gifts and Mom and Dad gave a few too. It was perfect way to scale down what was becoming obnoxious-we gave way too much and needed to stop spoiling them. Now we give to other local families in need, it feels so right sharing!
Thanks for linking up friend!
My cousin is in the same iPad boat, so I made this book for her daughter!
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