Friday, July 6, 2012

A 5th Grade Graduate

My baby girl "graduated" from elementary school in May.  I used to laugh at the thought of celebrating a graduation from 5th grade - I mean, big deal - everyone moves from 5th to 6th grade...what do we need a graduation?

And then you see a picture like this:

And you realize how much change and growth has occurred in the past 6 years.  ANd yes, there does deserve to be a graduation!
Sis started at this elementary school in 2nd grade.  On the first day of school, she met her best friend. They were wearing the same outfit and lived 5 doors apart.  They have been inseparable for the past 4 years.
We just had to recreate this sweet photo on the last day of school back in Mrs. Eddin's old room.  My how they have changed!!
Morganne has been blessed to have met lots of sweet friends over the past few years - just a great group of girls who care more about books and soccer than they do clothes or boys yet.  I know it's coming, but it can take it's time......
The last day of school was jam packed with activities - Pizza Party & Games, a march through the hall ways for the last time (not a dry eye out of these parents) and a countdown to the last bell on the blacktop outside.  Sis was all smiles...Mom? Not so much!
Graduation was on Thursday - a wonderful celebration honoring academic awards and extra-curricular activities.
All A's and Perfect Attendance for the Whole Year!!  She also was the Secretary on the Student Council and a part of Safety Patrol, among other activities she participated in this past year.
She had a wonderful, sweet teacher that we loved - Mrs. Vandiver was the perfect 5th grade teacher - very encouraging and patient.  We loved her!!

I'm so incredibly proud of the young lady she has become.  She is sweet and helpful and empathetic and funny.  I love who she has become.
Am I nervous about her moving on to Middle School?  Yes and No.  I know she is ready - she is confident and excited to go.  But she is my baby girl - my first - and this is a big move.  She is going to be moving on to a big school with big kids and big talk....... How can I keep her sheltered?  I can't and I know that. I just have to be confident that I have raised her to make good decisions.  It's just hard to see your oldest grow up so fast......

In the meantime, I am going to enjoy every minute with her this big girl.....


Macey said...

She's going places, momma!

Connie said...

She looks so grown up!!

You're raising a lovely lady.

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