Here is my 11 month old Bubba today! This big boy loves to play in the pantry, freezer, fridge, name it...if the door is open, he's in it. He will be all across the room and you think you can get the dishes quickly put away. Not so. Slap, Slap, he comes....we call it ru-awlling (that's running/crawling...seriously, he is so fast!) to get to the open dishwasher.
This is his other favorite place to be. No matter how many times we try to remember to latch the dog's cage shut, he finds it open and crawls on in. To play with the ball. He loves balls. Momma would just prefer that he doesn't play with the puppy's......
The stairs still intimidate him. He rolled down them once (I was there, don't worry) and every since then, he just stands at the bottom and stares up them longingly. It's actually quite funny how he will hike his leg up to put it on the next step and then decide mid-movement not to. I'm sure he'll be up them no time.
He will find the most interesting things to play with too. All the doorstops are off in my house- he has found a way to take all of them off the wall - so, don't be slamming any doors open around here! And you know the first place they end up- his mouth! He loves flip flops- loves to chew on the toes.....eww right? If I could just get his brother & sister to take them off upstairs! Momma's lenscap, Sissy's bookmarks, Daddy's iPhone, Brody's legos...nothing is SAFE. So the house is pretty sparse right now.
For a few days this Spring we had the windows open - only a few days...we live in Texas...the air is already on here. I thought it was adorable how he would sit at the window all day. I thought he was watching all that was going on outdoors. Oh no. See where his finger is? There were about 20-30 tiny dead worms. Yum. Protein.
All that "pincher" practicing with his fingers and thumbs has made him love to feed himself. I can barely get 5 bites of the mushy food down him anymore. He loves to eat cheerios, bananas, peaches, peas, carrots, blueberries, blackberries, noodles, mac & cheese, chicken, oh he loves it all! And despite the funny face....he absolutely loves his carrots. Much better than the dead worms.
And his favorite person right now is his Daddy. He will flash a mega-watt grin as soon as his Dad walks in the room. He reaches for him. He says "Da-DA-DA-DA" non-stop. He and Matt have such a sweet relationship. I love it.
Bubba Boy- thank you for the last 11 months. You have been such a fun addition to our family and I can't imagine life with out you. I'd love to go on and on about how adored you are, but in the time i have written this, you have done 3 laps in the house. Did you get enough exercise in for a nice long nap???